COVID-19 Health and Safety Measures
In this unprecedented time in our life, we continue to provide exceptional child care while maintaining your child's and family's safety. All of our teachers will have increased training on new health and safety practices to better protect your families and themselves. We understand that many of these changes were sudden; however, by following them we can protect ourselves and our community together!
We will continue to update any of our policies regularly in accordance to CDC, PA Department of Health, and OCDEL. If there are any questions about our new safety measure, please email us at
Informing our parents. Updates regarding any new policy changes will be sent to our parents through our text notification system. Additionally, this page will be updated accordingly.
Drop-off and Pick-up. Our drop-off and pick-up process has changed to limit possible exposure. Parents are encouraged to choose one designated person for both drop-off and pick-up. Drop-off and pick-up will be staggered, meaning only one family dropping off and picking up at a time. Families are encouraged to plan ahead since this will potentially increase the time waiting to drop-off and pick-up. Additionally, parents will have to remain outside the building and will have both their child and their temperatures taken, in addition to COVID-19 specific screening questions.
Stay home if you are sick. We ask that you be responsible and keep your child home if you or your child exhibit any signs of communicable illness. If you and your child are symptom free for at least 48 hours without any medication, your child can return.
Handwashing. Children's and staff's hands will be washed upon entry to the building and every hour thereafter.
Facemask and face shields. Staff will be required to wear face masks or face shields at all times. Additionally, children 2-years or above are highly encouraged to wear face shields, that can be supplied by the center if needed.
Social Distancing. Children will be separated into their respective classrooms and practicing social distancing of 6-feet distance between each other.
Cleanliness. We have updated our cleaning schedule to increase the rate of cleaning and temporarily limited the amount of toys in circulation. You can see our updated schedule here.
We have added many more procedures and safety measures to better protect our students, staff, and community! Check out our full Health and Safety plan here.